Create New File Shares

Create New File Shares

  1. Once connected to FSx/W Workshop Windows Instance

    • Find and select fsmgmt.msc

Amazon FSx

  1. In Shared Folders

    • Select Action
    • Select Connect to another computer…​.

Amazon FSx

  1. For Select Computer

    • Make selection Another computer
    • Paste DNS Name and select OK

Amazon FSx

  1. Make file share

    • Right-click Shares folder
    • Select New Share

Amazon FSx

  1. Select Next

Amazon FSx

  1. Select Browse…​.

    • Select d$.

Amazon FSx

  1. Select Make New Folder.

    • Name application for the new folder.
    • Select OK

Amazon FSx

  1. Complete the following information:

    • Folder path: D:\application
    • Share name: application
    • Create a new path: Yes

Amazon FSx

  1. Shared folder permissions: Customize permissions » Everyone Full Control

Amazon FSx

  1. Select Finish

    • You can create a few more shared files similar to the above steps.

Amazon FSx

Manage shared files

  1. Go back to Amazon FSx copy Windows Remote PowerShell Endpoint

Amazon FSx

  1. Open Windows PowerShell
  • Execute the following commands:
$WindowsRemotePowerShellEndpoint = "windows_remote_powershell_endpoint" # e.g. ""
enter-pssession -ComputerName ${WindowsRemotePowerShellEndpoint} -ConfigurationName FsxRemoteAdmin
  • Remember to replace it with your Windows Remote PowerShell Endpoint.

Amazon FSx

  1. We will execute the command in the Remote Windows PowerShell Session interface

Amazon FSx

  1. Execute the following command:

Amazon FSx

  1. Continue to execute the command:

Amazon FSx

  1. Execute the command:

Amazon FSx